About Us

Dear valued customers,

Thank you for choosing MONKEY PRINTS to support your business needs! We greatly appreciate your trust and are excited to help you on your journey to success.

My name is Jamie, and I am the proud owner of MONKEY PRINTS. With over 20 years of experience in the textile industry, I have gained extensive knowledge of the "Do's and Dont's" to provide you with the best products and services. I am a dedicated mother of four beautiful children and a loving wife to my amazing husband, Chris, who supports me wholeheartedly. In fact, he might even respond to your inquiries himself, adding his unique perspective!

At MONKEY PRINTS, we take pride in offering exceptional customer service. I am always available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance tailored to your specific business needs. You can reach me directly via email at Monkeyprints2021@gmail.com. Feel free to reach out anytime—I'm here to help!

For exclusive member sales and promotions, I invite you to join our vibrant Facebook community, Monkey Prints. By being a part of our page, you'll gain access to exciting deals and stay up to date with the latest trends in the industry. Don't miss out on these fantastic opportunities!

Once again, thank you for entrusting MONKEY PRINTS with your business. We are committed to your success and look forward to growing alongside you. Let's make your dreams a reality!

Warm regards,

Jamie Owner of MONKEY PRINTS